Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Week 5 Exercise 11

The potential in these sites is incredible. I truly can't image the many ways to use them and my mind is boggled at the number of ways I CAN actually think to use them. Wow. I tried several of the sites and will definitely return later as I look for creative ways to solve life and work technology questions.
I tried Mango to brush up on my Italian for a future trip to Italy. The lesson was well organized and did alot of looping to increase practice and recall. I'm going to register so I can get to the more advanced lessons. I also sent the link to the rest of my family so they can prepare themselves for the trip. I love speaking and understanding other languages and may even dabble in something unfamiliar like Japanese...
I got a kick out of Roland's picture with hair and think that site will be fun. Thanks for the video tip, too.
I checked out the Ning site and can see the value of the specific social network. I did not join a network because I am not interested in any new information from a random source like this. However, I think it could be useful for class communication. How private it is? One site I checked out said something about membership but I was able to look at their photos, including their names, with no problem. Maybe you need to be a member to post. Do you think it would work within the privacy needs of a school situation? I am unwilling to post my students names with pictures.

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