Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Week 6 Exercise 13 seems like it will be very useful when I'm using different computers, like in August when I get back into the classroom. I transfered my bookmarks from Firefox so that I'm up to speed. One of the most useful things about this exercise was that it got me to get rid of the 98 bookmarks that had been set NOT by me. I realized that I don't bookmark much. I have my website as the homepage and the other things I use frequently I have memorized or they auto-complete when I start entering. However, I do have about 10 and will probably add more as I want to remember some of the cool things I've played with in this class.

I also checked out the comments of others who had bookmarked some sites. This seems like a good way to preview the usefulness of a site without having to go through it for alot of time. Some comments were very specific as to the grade level at which the info would be useful. I just read the first page of comments because going through the 300 or more is time consuming all by itself...

1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

I often find that people with accounts have created them but have yet to find time to sort and edit them. Something for winter break maybe. :-) Keep up the great work!